January 2010 pics around Barnes, Wi


New member
Back in January 2010, I had some visitors from Germany. One of them was a foreign exchange student that stayed with my mom. Anyhow, these Germans like to take vacation and travel. They had this notion that they wanted to see what a "real" winter was like. I offered to take them snowmobiling for a weekend. They had to ride some of my old junk but they didn't seem to mind. Mother Nature cooperated with the snow and provided some mighty cold temps - hit minus -30 one night. I can't take credit for the pictures, that was their doing.

These images definitely got my juices flowing.

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New member
Not sure what was the model of the camera but it was one of those big honking ones with a several inch optical lens.....maybe a Nikon. That camera even made the old Indy look nice. My guests had a great time. They really liked northern Wisconsin. You can't do anything like snowmobiling in continental Europe. They can't even bring motorized equipment into their forests. They enjoyed the freedom and the ride.


New member
Great pictures!!!! cant wait for the snow to fly, nice cabin also, my buddy has a cabin on kelly lake rd north of barnes were going to try and get up there alot this winter pray for snow