JD Store


New member
Hey John,

Do you still have the JD Store, or still sell your window stickers? I have had one of these top center on the rear window of every vehicle i have ever owned and we got a new General that needs one and I have ran out of the "Think Snow" decals?

I clicked on the link on your site, but doesn't go anywhere?

Are these still available?

Craig and Cari


Staff member
HI Craig

When I remodeled the site, the new software messed up the store. I have been meaning to get things straightened out, but am also thinking of adding a few things like rear bumber-mounted Claymors, hood mounted 50 cal and backpack mounted RPG's, you know, just to go a different direction that most other snowmobile accessory places are going.

Actually, probably just hats and maybe a few shirts.

Anyway, if you know what you want, send me an e mail and I will let you know how much to send via paypal to me.

If not, then hang on for a bit and I will have the store up and running.
