JD's Journal, Dec 10, 2017


Active member

I generally greatly enjoy reading your journals, as you relate your boundless joy at your opportunity to live, work and raise a beautiful, wonderful family in the Copper Country.

Having pretty much made the decision to not move back to finish my days there, I can at least put on my Walter Mitty hat once a week and revel in your joy through your journals.

But I have to say, reading your current journal really was an exceptional thrill.

I'm really glad to see that ol' Ma Nature accepted your challenge and delivered in spades. It's about time you got a great snow season!

I can only add, reiterating my post in the Up parking thread — butchering a line from Oliver Wendell Douglas (Eddie Albert) of Green Acres — as it seems to very closely match your sentiments about livin' in da UP :encouragement::
"Keewenaw is the place to be.
UP livin' is the life for me.
Snow spreadin' out so far and wide
Keep Manhattan, just give me that Copper Country side."