Job offers?


New member
John ,
have you ever been approached from a big news organiztion or the weather channel,etc . To be a les or snow expert ? Like a correspondant? Just curious like people in chicago love tom skilling because he kinda likes snow and what not !! In other words do you ever have any ideas of going that route??


Staff member
Never had any offers and unless I could stay here and do things, I would decline. It would take way more money than they would ever offer to get me to leave the Keweenaw.



New member
Never had any offers and unless I could stay here and do things, I would decline. It would take way more money than they would ever offer to get me to leave the Keweenaw.


How bout a milion dollars??

All you have to do is go put your boot print in the snow...tak'n a shot of that, direct the camera to a car that got stuck (havin balled matter) and finally you have to JUMP into a man made snow pile...gett'n stuck to your waist, point at the snow-flakes coming down, and then cuse and swear a bit trying to get unstuck while the camera is still rolli'n.

Bet you'd do it then!


Staff member
A million aint what is used to be.

10 mil and I would do it for a snow season and then retire.

You making an offer moose?



Well-known member
You do make income ajustments to live in Northwoods. I have been offered big bucks to move to AZ & CA but I would never raise my family in those environments so turned them down everytime. Now if FL came up ............that would be very difficult to turn down. lol


Active member
A million aint what is used to be.

10 mil and I would do it for a snow season and then retire.

You making an offer moose?


To make that kind of an offer Moose'll hafta sell that "sunday go to meet'n" Canukistani registered jet of his that was seen at CMX today! :D