John, comment on your most recent journal


Just got back in town from a trip to the left coast and read your most recent journal. I have some experience with the symptoms you are having and this is what I found.

I had similar chest discomfort and it would tend to work up to my ears via the duct tube. It was discovered that I had what is called 'silent reflux'. The doctors tried to treat me with acid pump inhibitors, but my digestion basically shut down and I became deficient several vitamins and minerals. I got really really sick.

Thanks to a heads up nutritionist/acupuncturist in Appleton, it was determined that I had low stomach acid, not high stomach acid. Don't waste your time describing this to western doctors, the have no idea about low stomach acid.

I take a supplement called betaine, which is basically Hcl acid or stomach acid. Happy to say all symptoms are gone and my digestion is working much much better.

Feel free to contact me if you have questions.

Hope you feel better.



Staff member
Thanks HH.

I will certainly keep this in mind, but the pH impedance test done verified that I do have acid reflux. The Barette's also would confirm pretty bad reflux. I am on day 3 of the new medicine and will give it a week to see if there are big changes. So far, only small changes.

I was getting acid reflux due to the fact that my upper esophageal sphincter was relaxing and allowing 'stuff' back up. Because I was low on stomach acid, my food was not breaking down properly, causing a deficiency in magnesium. Low magnesium effects the muscles and causes them to relax and cramp. Low magnesium was probably the cause for acid getting into my esophagus due to the relaxation of the upper sphincter.

Now I take a couple betaine (hcl acid) before I eat, and supplement with magnesium citrate (highly absorbable). Also supplement with B-12 (1000mcg) since I was not absorbing this vitamin. I also have started taking a probiotic (Therelac) twice a week, need to keep the stomach contents moving along.

Lots of bad stuff can happen when food particles are not being broken down properly in the stomach, such as malabsorption and creation of various food allergies.

Good luck with your challenge and God speed.



Staff member

All good stuff to know. I am taking a magnesium supplement and also B12 and potassium as well (among lots of other things). I think the plan is if the current med does not work, then I will try gluten free for a week as I have heard of others having some similar symptoms and went gluten free and felt better. If that does not work, then onto other options, including what you have mentioned.

I am willing to explore all options to fix what ever is wrong as it sure is a drag, literally and figuratively.



A couple comments on 'things' I learned the hard way throughout my road to better health:

1) Magnesium. All magnesium is not created equal. Magnesium Citrate is one of the most absorbable variations of magnesium on the market. I tried others (some very expensive) with bad results.

2) Vitamin B12. Many people take B12 in the form of cobalamin. I have learned (again through trail and error) that many people do not convert cobalamin in our bodies to the more useable form called methycobalamin. So I switched from cobalamin B12 (oral) to sublingal (taken under the tongue) methylcobalamin. Much better results were achieved.

3) A very alert doctor decided to test my thyroid (TSA test). It was determined that I am hypothyroid (tsa level 8.1). He put me on synthetic thyroid replacement pills (Synthroid) and I became very sick. I was then placed on natural dessicated thyroid (pig thyroid) and I responded very positively. If hypothyroid, my opinion is to skip the synthetic treatment and go directly to the time proven method of natural thyroid.

Funny thing, my thyroid condition came about almost the same time my digestive symptoms appeared. A great book that I have read, Stop the Thyroid Madness, ties digestive disorders directly to thyroid conditions.

It took me almost two years to figure things out, so if there are any questions, feel free to ask. I think I have been through about ten different doctors. I fired eight of them, was fired as a patient from one, and found one that worked o.k. with my acupuncturist/nutritionist and chiropractor.

Good luck.

I can vouch for the apple cider vinegar, I take 1 tbsp. a day with water. Make sure it has 'The Mother' in it, Braggs brand has Mother.



Staff member
Thanks for the info on the magnesium and B12. I do take the kind of B12 that needs to sit under your tongue and dissolve. I do not take magnesium citrate, but will look into it. I was told that any kind of magnesium is readily absorbed, but will certainly try the citrate kind. I do take synthroid, but have been doing it for over 25 years without any problems, so probably not that, but will keep it in mind.

I also do not think it is low stomach acid as the pH impedance test verified high acid levels in my esophagus, caused by acid reflux. Plus the Barette's is caused by high acid levels, so if anything, I want to stay away from adding more acid to the picture.


Not being a doc but having lots of experience with thyroid issues, I feel that the effectiveness of Synthroid might be waning for you, very common. The book (or website) Stop the Thyroid Madness is full of clinical studies underlying the ineffectiveness of synthetic thyroid replacement protocols. The endocrinologist I see in Green Bay had a difficult time switching me form Synthroid to a natural dessicated protocol such as Armour (or the generic version that I am taking Thyroid NP), but once she saw my improvement, she was sold on it. In fact, she is switching some patients from synthetic to natural. I do not want to go into detail because this information is found on the Stop the Thyroid website, but Synthroid only replaces T1 thyroid hormone while the natural versions replaces T1, T2, T3 and T4 and is considered bio-identical to human thyroid hormones. The natural version was used with much success for well over 100 years, but some chemist thought they could create a better version in a lab. Unfortunately, most doctors believe synthetic treatments are better for the patient, even though the patient continues to suffer.

Just based off he symptoms you have described, my non medical view is that your thyroid medicine is failing you and you need to make a switch.

Sorry for dragging on this issue, but as you know a sluggish thyroid can have huge health implications and make one feel very miserable.

I have the name of a nationally renowned doctor in Fond du Lac that treats thyroid conditions specifically. I did not see him because my current endocrinologist finally got her act together saving me a much longer trip, but the guy has a long waiting list because there are so many thyroid patients that are being treated improperly and are looking for better treatments.

I have a feeling that when you get your thyroid meds corrected, your GI issues will improve. It did for me! I went from being a very sick person two years ago to almost back to normal, but it took a lot of research and doctor convincing.

Take care.



Staff member
HH, so if I understand things correctly, you had a standard TSA test that indicated hypothyroidsm. Then went on synthroid and felt worse, so switched to the natural thyroid med and felt better. Did you have a TSA test done while on synthroid? If so, did it indicate your thyroid levels were norm (even though you felt bad)? I assume your TSA levels are good now since being on the Thyroid NP? Just trying to gather info to bring up to Dr's when I see them next.

John, I felt good for a bit on Synthroid but then developed reverse T4. Basically for some reason (probably due to anemia, b12 type) I was not able to convert T4 in my body to T3 and was building up toxic levels of T4. Yes, one can have 'normal' TSH (think I typed TSA before, but TSH test is Thyroid Stimulating Hormone test). I then switched to a synthetic combination of T4 and T3, same result...sicker. Then I learned about dessicated thyroid treatments after reading the book 'Stop the Thyroid Madness'.

Unfortunately when you bring up natural dessicated treatment to most doctors, they discount it because the pharmaceutical reps. convince the doctors that the dosages are inconsistent. Yes, this was a problem years ago but since has been corrected. My biggest problem was finding a doctor that would prescribe Armour (or in my case NP Thyroid which is available at Walgreens). From the book, 'Stop the Thyroid Madness', is was recommended to take the dessicated thyroid pills under the tongue, especially since most hypothyroid patients had questionable digestion systems (very common, the two seem to really go hand in hand). Most doctors do not have a clue about how to properly treat hypothyroidism. They rely solely on TSH only test and prescribe synthroid which provide T4 only (if you can convert to T3), but our body needs T4 and T3 which is available naturally in dessicated thyroid treatments.

I would really recommend you to get a copy of the updated version of 'Stop the Thyroid Madness', the book was a life saver for me. My THS level was over 8 when I started treatments, and my last test I was down to 2.1. In addition to THS test, I request a 'free' T4 and 'free' T3 test. Doctors like to test 'total' T4 and T3 only, but the 'free' test shows was is available for your body to use, whereas the 'total' test shows what is bound and unusable. Actually, I follow my T3 results closer than TSH. T3 is what improves your metabolism and gives us energy. Last year one time, I was walking through the snow to empty a bucket of ash from the fireplace, I had to rest three times. Yesterday, I went for a 10 mile bike ride! Quite an improvement.

I take Selenium and zinc supplements, both are proven to improve thyroid efficiency. I did manage to screw up my thyroid recently because I started to take some calcium supplements along with magnesium, but calcium inhibits the absorption of thyroid medicines, so I dropped the calcium. Blood test confirmed my calcium levels were o.k. without supplementation.

Dr. Steven Meress in Fond du Lac (920-922-5433, Fox Valley Wellness Center) is the nationally renowned thyroid expert I was telling you about. The FIRST thing he does when a new patient comes to see him is to get them off synthroid and onto Armour or NP Thyroid. The Armour pill is harder to dissolve under the tongue, NP Thyroid breaks down easier and absorbs directly into the blood stream better. Dr. Meress puts people on Armour or NP Thyroid even if their TSH levels are normal but exert hypothyroid symptoms. My endocrinologist in Green Bay switched my treatment protocol so there was no need for me to see Dr. Meress, but that was my next step. The acupuncturist (Mike Buyze, East Wind Acupuncture) I saw last year in Appleton is an associate with Dr. Meress and filled me in with his thyroid treatment plan. Mike can 'back door' a person to see Dr. Meress very quickly if need be.

Hopefully this makes some sense, I covered a lot in a brief space. Please get the above mentioned book and start your journey to feeling better. I have loaned my copy of Stop the Thyroid Madness out to people to read and am not sure where it is, but their website does a nice job detailing things. I am available anytime for discussion off-line if you have any more questions, just let me know.

Take care.

Joe (HH)


Staff member
Thanks Joe.

Based on all the research that Nora and I have done (which is a TON!), as well as what we have gotten from the doctors, it is still looking like GERD is the most likely culprit behind my symptoms, but I do have a "leave no stone un-turned" mentality when it comes to finding the solution to a problem and I also like to have as much info as possible when planning out a strategy for a solution. So your info may very well be of great assistance.

I have a very good primary care doctor (probably why he has a new-patient waiting list 100 miles long!), who is not biased, nor afraid to step outside the box. In fact, he has told me on several occasions that western medicine does not have the answers to all medical problems and that other practices can certainly work in cases where traditional, western medicine fails, so I can trust is opinion upon sharing any ideas with him.

Thanks again and I will be sure to get in touch with you if I need any more assistance.

Good luck John! Great to have an open minded doctor, they are rare for sure.

I thought I had GERD also, but when I switched to NP Thyroid and started to supplement with betaine, all gone. Every situation is different, so go the path you feel most comfortable with.

Take care.



Staff member

Like I say, there is no question that I have GERD. The Barette's esophagus was caused by it and the pH impedance test also showed it clearly. The question is: Is it causing the symptoms I have now? So far all the symptoms I have now can be caused by GERD.

This was what I was dealing with, I cut and paste from another thread regarding this topic:

Hypothyroidism can weaken muscles. It can affect any muscle, including the sphincter that keeps the stomach contents in place. That's one way it contributes to acid reflux.

Another way is by slowing gastric motility; the stomach stays filled with partially digested food/acid slurry longer, making it more likely to back up into the esophagus at some point instead of moving on down to the intestines the way it should.

HypoT can cause weight gain or abdominal fluid retention, a frequent cause of reflux.

And lastly, hypoT can decrease stomach acid production, making digestion much more difficult. It sounds odd to say that decreased stomach acid can cause heartburn/reflux/indigestion, but it's fact that it can.

Like I say, there is no question that I have GERD. The Barette's esophagus was caused by it and the pH impedance test also showed it clearly. The question is: Is it causing the symptoms I have now? So far all the symptoms I have now can be caused by GERD.



My point throughout all this is that your GERD is probably a result of your hypothyroidism and also being on Synthroid. I belong to a Yahoo Hypothyroid group with over 10,000 members and GERD/acid reflux/poor digestion was very very common among most of the board members when on synthetic treatments.

If I was in your shoes, I would look to switch off of Synthroid and go to Thyroid NP for one month and see if it helps. If not, you can go back onto Synthroid. My guess is that you will never go back to Synthroid again.

Good Luck.



Staff member
Thanks HH.

I had gathered that from your comments and checking into my thyroid and meds is for sure on the list. I just need to be sure to try one fix at a time, or the results and determination can get a little muddled up.

I certainly appreciate all that you have done for me and really look forward to a solution.
