John Dee ride in


New member
Hey John,wondering if anyone else is having problems trying to sign up for the ride in?Every time I try to add to my cart,it says there was a problem?I dont think it's my computer but you never know..thanks,Laura


Well-known member
I had the same thing. Is there a place to just mail a check, and to who would a check be made to for a donation?

OK, I read a little further and answered part of my own question. But, can we mail you a check, name, shirt size, to register, or only through the way it's set up now?
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New member
I used it last night and saw the same error as you guys, after trying 3 times it did work. I think it may be something with my browser or pop-up blocker. Anyway I am sending John some new code to try that will hopefully help the link to the Paypal account.

Thanks for letting us know!



Staff member
I have inserted the new code John S send me. Give it a try and let us know if you have any better luck.



New member
Ok I tried it and it works! least on my work computer. The other benefit to this is that you can "continue shopping" after selecting the first registration, this will make things much easier as you can select multiple shirt sizes and registrations, but only have to pay 1 time. I dont think this was possible with the last code i sent to Mr. Dee



New member
Yesterday,I added both for me & my husband that now worked but when I went to checkout,it took me back to error page


New member
Still cannot seem to check out?Can continue shopping but goes to error when I try to check out...I'll try again tomarrow


Staff member
I sent an e mail to John S to see if he could come up with a solution. Not sure if it is something at your end or ours. If others are having problems please let me know. If it is an isolated case, then we can "manually" get you registered.



New member
Thank you guys SO much for working so hard on getting this working for me!All set this morning!Everything went through & we are good to go!Now let's see if I get my emails working...Have a terrific holiday,Laura:)