Deleted member 10829
Last year, a few of us JohnDee'ers got together in the fall to help John cut and stack his wood for the winter season as he was still recovering from open heart surgery. If you look back at last year's Journal entry from September 26, you will see some info and pic's from the first annual wood cutting. As we all know, John is in a similar situation this year, and I'm hoping we can come through for him in a bigger way this year.
John has ordered a lot more wood this year, so the more people we have the better. Also, if we can get enough volunteers, we will stain his cabin for him the same weekend. We are looking at a couple of possible weekends and will make the final decision based on turnout. Please let us know what weekend works best for you, August 20th & 21st or August 27th & 28th, and whether you could work both days or not. You can simply reply to this thread or send me a PM or email. We may be able to get it all done in one day, but we will have Sunday as a back up day. As if spending some time with John and fellow Dee'ers isn't enough, John will be making his famous brisket for us to enjoy on Saturday.
Let me know as soon as possible if you can help out. Going to the Keweenaw any time of the year is always a good time. Thanks!!
John has ordered a lot more wood this year, so the more people we have the better. Also, if we can get enough volunteers, we will stain his cabin for him the same weekend. We are looking at a couple of possible weekends and will make the final decision based on turnout. Please let us know what weekend works best for you, August 20th & 21st or August 27th & 28th, and whether you could work both days or not. You can simply reply to this thread or send me a PM or email. We may be able to get it all done in one day, but we will have Sunday as a back up day. As if spending some time with John and fellow Dee'ers isn't enough, John will be making his famous brisket for us to enjoy on Saturday.
Let me know as soon as possible if you can help out. Going to the Keweenaw any time of the year is always a good time. Thanks!!