john youre operation


hi john i read you had a valve replacement operation ,with out getting in to it ,I have had the same operation twice and am offering my knowledge of what to expect in the future ,if you have any questions please feel free to email etc..... i had a real pearson to ask and it helps , so if there is anything i can help with feel free to ask. curt


Staff member
Thanks Curt.

I think I am getting filled in as to what to expect now, but initially I was only told what not to do, not how long it would be until I start to feel like myself again.

I'll be sure to drop you a line if I have any questions though.



Curt and I rode together the past 2 days in Indian River. We put 320 miles on the sleds in 2 days! You'll be as good as new real soon, and you'll be hitting that powder before too long! Hope all is well for you!

Thanks for everthing you do for the site, for most of us checking it daily is a religion. Hope your family has a very merry Christmas and you fully recover very soon.