Iphone app??


New member
Hey John

Love the site, and I dont know if it has ever been suggested or thought about before, but an app for this site would be very cool! I find myself looking at this site multiple times a day very often, and an app would be a very nice thing! I dont know if its possible or not just thought you may want to kick around the idea I would be more than willing to throw a buck or two at it every becomes a reality.



New member

Hey John

Love the site, and I dont know if it has ever been suggested or thought about before, but an app for this site would be very cool! I find myself looking at this site multiple times a day very often, and an app would be a very nice thing! I dont know if its possible or not just thought you may want to kick around the idea I would be more than willing to throw a buck or two at it every becomes a reality.

Does that iphone come w/ a battery pack my phone is the size of a small briefcase ..not to up on these new tecchy things..meathead


Staff member
It has been mentioned and I believe there is an app being written by a friend of the site for the droid. Unfortunately, I do not have the resources to have them written for other platforms unless someone offers up their services to do it like is being done for the droid.



New member
There is a vbulletin (this forum uses vbulletin software) app out there but right now you can only log on to their forum... I would guess that some day vbulletin will come out with software that allows you to look at any forum using their software... I guess we'll have to wait and see.


New member
It has been mentioned and I believe there is an app being written by a friend of the site for the droid. Unfortunately, I do not have the resources to have them written for other platforms unless someone offers up their services to do it like is being done for the droid.


Darn, and here I'm wating until February to get the Iphone and get rid of my Droid!


I have a question for someone that is more tech savy than me. (which does not take much). What would the advantage be for having an app for this site. I currently have the HTC evo and never seem to have a problem getting on this site and navigating around. The only thing I have noticed is looking at pictures when they are in an attachment. Other than that I seem to be able to get around fine. Just curious.


New member
I have a question for someone that is more tech savy than me. (which does not take much). What would the advantage be for having an app for this site. I currently have the HTC evo and never seem to have a problem getting on this site and navigating around. The only thing I have noticed is looking at pictures when they are in an attachment. Other than that I seem to be able to get around fine. Just curious.

Apps are just cool ;)


Active member
… What would the advantage be for having an app for this site. I currently have the HTC evo and never seem to have a problem getting on this site and navigating around. …

The difference is mainly in some minor details, like trying to use the 'text features' (and other) icons at the top of the message entry window, which I do quite often. They are a pain to use on an iP4.

You can do quite well if you stick to 'plain vanilla'.

I'd still luv to have an iP4 app for JD!


I agree the apps are cool. Most of the ones I have are games. I kind of figured that my lack of knowledge was the reason I did not know the difference. although I am sending this message from my phone.


I was wondering the same thing. I can do everything on my Droid2 Browser that I can do on this laptop. Can't see the point in having an app.