

New member
John, I was just wondering. Is the traffic on your discussion boards down this fall and early winter? It just seems like the boards are less active then they used to be. Maybe I'm wrong or maybee everyone is out riding?


Actually, the traffic on both the Discussion Board and the site in general is up from last year. I know that others have seemend to think that things were slowing down in other years, but amazingly the site just gets more and more popular and more and more busy every year. I do not know where the new visitors are coming from, perhaps they are snowmobilers that just got a computer, or computer owners that just got into snowmobiling, or just folks that finally found the site after 10 years!

I suspect that until the 2000 or so user profiles that were lost last night (not the fault of any moderator by the way!) are restored, things may be a bit slow today!
