Johnson outboard techs???

My neighbor has a 2001 Johnson 70hp with the VRO pump. After about 2 weeks his carbs fill up with oil. We took the pump apart to see if any diaphrams were torn and all looks good. Does anyone know the fix to this problem or what could be causing this?? What to look for??


Well-known member
I am not a tech but sold Johnson's for 30 years and know a little. I don't think the VRO pump is a serviceable part, so if you took it apart that may be part of the problem. It also acts as the fuel pump so if it is pumping more oil it should be pumping too much fuel also. There is a squeeze ball between the oil tank and the motor and you should never squeeze it, it is there only to pump oil up to the engine when it is new, or a new pump is put on, if you do squeeze it by mistake it pumps raw oil into the system. That would show up as oil in the carbs. The 2001 models are the last ones made by OMC before they filed bankruptcy in December or 2000 and I think some of the parts were questionable on the last few motors made. Good luck and let us know what you find with it.
We took it apart after the problem so we did not cause it. The bulb has not been touched. It just seems to syphon the oil some how while sitting and fills the carbs up with oil. So you may have answered our question.....order a new pump or diconnect it completely. I'll see if we get any more feedback on this first. Thank you.


.....order a new pump or disconnect it completely..[/QUOTE said:
I went with plan "B" on my 25 Evinrude. Disconnected & Removed Oil Reservoir, and run Pre-Mix. I know my oil mixture is consistent now. This is my 7th season since the conversion. Fish On!


Well-known member
I looked in the service manual this afternoon and the only thing that I saw that might be your problem is in the pump there is an oil check valve and it is not servicable so you would have to replace the whole pump and that is not cheap. I don't know why it should force past the check valve unless the tank is full and the temps are hot.


New member
At the Marina where I work we just take the oiling system off and run premix the Evinrude/ Johnson oiling system sucks its called VRO or Very Wrong Oiling pums are stupid expensive if you can get one dont buy used as you'll have the same problem.