Spent most of the month of July at our cabin in Finland MN. My wife and kids played the whole time while I was lucky enough to comute the 65 miles to Duluth and back every day. And I would personally like to thank MN DOT for tearing up every road I had to drive on! But I digress, we had a great time. The kids went to Wolf Ridge ELC for a week and had a ball. We went up to Grand Marais for the 4th and watched the fireworks up there. We found a great spot on the Temperance river to go jumping from. Both my kids jumped from about 16-17' which surprised me. Spent some time working on a new rock wall and small section of lawn at the cabin. That was a good time. Also cut a bunch of firewood.
The waterfalls in the pictures are from the Cascade River while the picture of the kids is from the harbor at Grand Marais.
The waterfalls in the pictures are from the Cascade River while the picture of the kids is from the harbor at Grand Marais.