Just a thought

John have you considered bringing a computer to the Snow Show and have internet access to get people to fill out the form for Pepsi Help Copper Harbor Get Ambulance Service? You may even want to see if you could be find a site supporter to print some Business cards to hand out with the link on them. Just a thought, See you at the Snow Show


Staff member
It's a good idea, but first you have to request that power be set up at your booth location and it was like $150 for them to basically run an extension cord to the spot, so we opted out because we really did not have a need. Secondly, Pepsi has things setup so that only one vote can come in from a particular computer per day. That keeps "proxy" voting out of the contest. So it would not work, even if we did have power and a computer and a wifi connection.

See you at the show.
