Just in case you all didn't know about this


New member
Mich. police prepare to enforce text-driving ban
Posted: 6/26/2010

DETROIT (AP) — Police will be able to pull over motorists solely for using their cell phones to send or look at text messages or e-mails when Michigan's ban on texting while driving takes effect this week.

Some in law enforcement say the similarities between dialing a cell phone and texting will make the ban difficult to enforce. Others say it will be relatively straightforward for officers to spot and ticket violators.

Officers already see people trying to juggle driving with texting or e-mailing. With new power to ticket those drivers starting Thursday, police say the message about the law should be clear: People who text while driving should cut it out.

A violation is a civil infraction that carries a $100 fine the first time and a $200 fine for a subsequent offense.


New member
Yeah, this is great! I think that there should be a law to prohibit smoking anything while driving, or drinking any beverages, or eating a sandwich, or changing the radio station, adjusting the temperature of your heater/ac, and let's not forget about talking to passengers, or reaching for anything in the backseat if you have kids in the car, or rolling a window down...in short anything that might take your attention away from actually driving the car. Even flipping down the sunvisor can distract you enough to get into an accident. Should pull over and adjust stuff and then don't forget to signal re-entry onto the highway to proceed. Of course this will suck some time away from your stays and will add to the trip...but hey...all in the name of safety, right??

If all the controls were frozen once you put the car in gear, then far fewer accidents would happen, but those pesky car companies continue to let you adjust and maintain stuff while you drive...and you know what that means.....??? So let's just make it a law.....one more for the books....who needs common sense, just a book that tells us what we can and can not do...but hey....don't read that book while underway....that would distract you even more, wouldn't it??

Oh, and btw, the Ohio police force can now simply estimate your driving speed and issue a ticket to you...no need of buying any of those expensive vascar devices...waste of tax payers money....eh?

Did I miss anything???


Well-known member
Although texting is a whole other ball game when it comes to distracted driving...... Some people should be put in a bubble when driving.


Sounds good to me when I'm out cycling on the backroads I'm scared to death seeing drivers go by looking at their phones and not the road and me.


I always thought people who texted while driving were dangerous and foolish, then I realized I was one of them! Just sort of snuck up on me, but yeah, driving from Egg Harbor to Sturgeon Bay texting away like a teenager. New Year's resolution was to stop doing it, and I seem to have broken the habit.

But still, I put the phone in the truck face down so I can't see the blinking red message light!

Kids these days!


New member
Anonomoose - I'm sure you'd have a little different attitude if someone you loved was killed by someone who was texting. They're just picking off a high flier on the list of causes for accidents. Studies have shown texting while driving is more dangerous then driving while intoxicated. I suppose you'd like to see that allowed too huh?