Wanted to apologize to anyone that was interested in my truck that was for sale sadly life got in the way and I had to deal with a big issue and everything was on hold till recently I apologize and hope I have not upset anyone...
hi modman we from st.joe mi heading up north over the bridge for newberry on friday, thinking of staying in trout lake to save us what maybe 40 minutes in the truck. Question is do they have a breakfast place, gas station, dinner food near by? On a map doesn't look like much around? good 2 c u back thks
Trout lake is not ginormous but has all the escentials to ride. Food gas lodging are there...lots of sleds too. Call ahead for lodging (this is a big weekend coming) to be sure you find a place to stay. Have fun and be safe.
Trout lake is not ginormous but has all the escentials[sic] to ride. Food gas lodging are there...lots of sleds too. Call ahead for lodging (this is a big weekend coming) to be sure you find a place to stay. Have fun and be safe.