Just wondering


New member
there is a play area off trail 3 and freda loop in south range.have you ever been there?and if so,have you ever been up the big hill.i chickened out half way up the back side.that hill is tough


New member
are u talking about the whole power line hilly play area? lol that place is fun. I always wonder how come nobody rides up the area when u go wayy far backk.



I have been back in that area and hav played on that hill in the past. Have not been there in several years though.



New member
i'm pretty sure its the one i'm thinking about...right at that intersection when u overlook that powerline area...the hill is beyond the powerline area...looks like it'd be a ski hill or something off in the distance.


New member
I was just there this week and we didnt go all the way up the big hill, but that play area is pretty fun....its a good place!


Active member
If you go up it beware of the ice 10 or so feet from the top. I've been up in a dozen times and didn't make it the last (Jan. 2008). Bent my steering post on the way down. I'd go up it again.. but not with ice. I saw a Polaris 500 121 go up it. It isn't bad with a running start and if there isn't ice.


New member
Was there on Friday the 6th-was very icy-did not attempt it because I am not studded. Rode to the top around the back-beautiful views.


New member
Pin it to win it! climbed it with a 146 summit, no ice but did not need as much speed as i thought, watch the bumps at the bottom, i hit them with lots of run and tanked my knee before i even started climbing. glad i did it, but i wont try it with an icy base.