Kemosabe Cabins


Active member
Drove by there last weekend. The place is empty. Rumor mill around here says it wasnt what they thought it was going to be like. I know Mike the prior owner thought he had a gold mine based on his asking price for the place. I hope they did not lose to much $ on the whole deal. I think the couple that took it over were form Ohio and had investers from Cali. This is all rumor mill info so who knows if its accurate.

5 miles further South is the Whitefawn. ( Give them a shot at your business. I know in the past trail access has not been ideal from there but this year George finally go approved for a permit to groom from trail 7 to FFH 13 making the access much better.


New member
I was wondering the same thing. I went fishing with Jeff and was hoping to do some more fishing with him in the future. It sounds like that may not happen.


New member
Thats sad to hear. Always wondered with the price they ask for lodges and such. That is can make a descent living and still pay on a loan for it. Seems would take more than a lifetime to pay it off or turn it over when the time comes? If its a hand me down from family is the only way i see it working


New member
I found the listing, it is for sale at $379,000. Dont know what they paid for it a few years ago, but would assume based on the market the past 4 or 5 years it may be selling for significantly less they what they invested?


Active member
I would not touch it for more than 150k. No lake, building are built on stilts in to the ground (no real foundation). The main house is decent.
I use Zillow to see what stuff has been selling for. If you look around you will see you can get a house on a lake with 10 acres for that kind of money.


New member
Seems like kemosabe was previously sold for about $250K if I remember right from the prior owners FSBO ads. Either way, seems like a hobby - not a real way to make money. When you consider the available nights you can rent these things out for $40 or $50 plus taxes, upkeep, heat, cable bills etc, etc, it just looks like a real tough way to make a living. It is a beautiful area though - I've always liked the munising area - summer and winter.