Keweenaw & Houghton County snowmobile clubs?

Is there a list out there of the Keweenaw & Houghton County snowmobile clubs? I was looking on and I’ve tracked down these two so far. Superior snowmobile club & Valley Sno Drifters. Are there any more? <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
In this cruddy economy, since we are lucky enough to still have jobs and after my brother and I went up to help clean the Keweenaw trails this year, we were talking about helping out more and join a club or clubs up in those areas.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Tech, call Sandy at Krupp's Resort, 1-906-288-3404, tell her you would like to join the Superior Snowmobile Club, she will either mail out the form(s), or possibly give you the phone number to the club president, Mike Sabo. Sandy usually has the club membership forms on hand.


New member
You'll really enjoy helping the Superior Snowmobile Club trail brushing in the fall. It's a great time and a bit of work spent with a lot of fun people.