Knarly Toe!


New member
Been there, done that! John, I've taken a very small drill( don't use your Dewalt, just your finger tips) or heated a small paperclip and put a small hole in the toenail. I know it sound fun:rolleyes: but when you finally talk yourself into it, it helps relieve the pressure under the toenail. I have done it with fingernails also. It helps greatly in most cases. The whole process is some what painless, it's the mental aspect that is the hardest to get around! No, I'm not a doctor and I didn't stay in a Holiday Inn Express either, just beat myself up enough to learn the little repairs it takes sometimes.


Staff member
I was going to do the heated needle or paperclip, but we have to take Grace to see her Dr (who is also mine) tomorrow for her annual checkup. I am sure he will look at it for me while we are there. It would be nice to get rid of the constant pain/pressure!



New member
Take a very small drill bit, heat it and with fingers spin it on the nail and it will melt, drill its way through and relieve pressure. If you wait too long the blood will dry and then no pressure relief can be attained.