Labor Day Weekend! What's on your Grill?


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Happy Labor Day Weekend!

I hope to meet up with a couple of juicy Ribeyes this weekend, beans from the garden and corn on the cob.

Rather than fight the traffic and crowds, we're staying around home this weekend. Catching up on things and livin' the good life.

So, what's on the grill at your place?


New member
Having a big fish fry in a big turkey fryer Sat. at friends house! Always turns out awesome. Ribeyes and corn on Monday. Yum, yum :D


New member
Ahi Tuna steaks. Just happened to buy a hunk that was just shipped in fresh. Got my hands on it before the supermarket cut it up into small pieces. Wish I could get my hands on the " blue fin " but there doesn't seem to be that availability around here.

Also have some fresh italian sausage from Cantoros market in Livonia.... man I love that store.

Then the portobella grilled mush caps stuffed with garlic powder,oregano, mozzerella cheese all mixed together.


New member
Just make sure your grills are clean. Brothers friend is still recovering from getting a grill brush bristle in a burger and it destroyed his insides and he almost passed a few weeks ago! Yikes!


New member
Make sure your seldom used grill is not full of nasty fuzzy mold. I had to do a total disasemble,scrub down and reassembly then to secure safety crank grill to 600 degrees to burn and kill anything I may have missed. Threw brushes away. If it didn't take half a day to put a grill together I would of replaced it. Do not let un cooked chicken and stuff with mayo sit out to long. Amazing what goo gone, 409 and a power washer can do.


Active member
Bugers & Itl. Sausage on the grill and sweet corn cooked on wood fire for sunday evening, not sure the rest of the weekend.


New member
Make sure your seldom used grill is not full of nasty fuzzy mold. I had to do a total disasemble,scrub down and reassembly then to secure safety crank grill to 600 degrees to burn and kill anything I may have missed. Threw brushes away. If it didn't take half a day to put a grill together I would of replaced it. Do not let un cooked chicken and stuff with mayo sit out to long. Amazing what goo gone, 409 and a power washer can do.

I think I have spiders in mine. Gas valve ok now I have to find the buggers in the burners, low flame!


New member
Be afraid of blue, green and white mold on grill. Not all of it is pennicillin. lol. Hope I did not gross anyone out, just be safe and enjoy the end of summer to most of us and the beginning of winter. (to heck with fall).


Active member
I will be out camping and all food gets cooked on the open fire. Saturday will be Italian sausage with roasted peppers+onions. Sunday will be babyback ribs, Jamaican jerk marinated shrimp, and corn. Late night snacks will be fried zucchini with my special Cajun seasoned batter and these little fried dough balls with banana in the middle that my Grandma used to make(can't remember what she called them but I remember how to make them). I even split me up some nice cherry wood for cooking with. My mouth is watering already!


New member
Be afraid of blue, green and white mold on grill. Not all of it is pennicillin. lol. Hope I did not gross anyone out, just be safe and enjoy the end of summer to most of us and the beginning of winter. (to heck with fall).

Just dropped a hot dog! Mother in law would never know!


Well-known member
Other than the mold and fuzz, this thread is making me very hungry.

Buffalo chicken breasts on Saturday (love that Anchor buffalo sauce). Grilling home-made crab cakes tonight and serving them with a little red pepper/horseradish mayo. A meal worthy of the holiday.


Went from 24 rooms to 3. No grilling, going straight to the Bayside in Fish Creek! Always a big night for locals, end of summer season and everybody has money!


New member
Pork loin

Nothing like the pork loins on the Holland Grill....


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New member
juicy ribeyes marinated in soy sauce , whole mushrooms cooked in butter and garlic salt and deep fat fried breaded cheese curds. and for dessert, homemade lemon bars.......a real weight watchers nightmare!!!