Labrador Retreiver Centronuclear Myopothy (CNM)


New member
Hello John,

Have you ever heard of this below? I really need to get the word out on this to hopefully save some labrador retreivers. I know how much you love labs.

The reason I am writing this message is because I am trying to get the word out on Labrador Retreiver Centronuclear Myopothy (CNM). It is a genetic disease that Labs only can get through breeding labs that are both genetic carriers of the disease.

I recently received DNA tests back from France confirming my 4 month old puppy has this disease. It is a horrible debilating disease that unfortunatly does not offer my pup, Bullet, very good chances of survival with a quality of life.

So, it has become my goal to help make lab lovers, lab breeders, etc. aware of this genetic disease.

We unfortunately breed our older lab with a friend of mine lab. We thought we did everything that we needed to do to ensure quality, healthy puppies. We knew nothing of CNM before the breeding took place, in fact no one I knew has ever heard of this before. We ended up with 8 little pups of which we all thought were fine and healthy. I had pick of the litter and soon after getting the pup home I started noticing leathergy in the pupy, a lot of clumsiness and other various problems. I started going to the vet trying to figure out what was going on. $800 later at the vet and no clue as to what was going on, I decided to head onto the internet to try to figure this out on my own. I went onto chat lines, and search engines and after a few days someone wrote back mentioning CNM. I went to a website which I will put at the bottom of this post and the diagnosis matched perfectly. I ran through the appropriate DNA testing in France and just got results back last week confiming my fears. Which, leads me to this post and many others.

Please take a little time on the link below to learn about CNM, and then pass on the word to all other lab lovers. Please make sure if anyone you know is breeding labs has them DNA tested before doign so. CNM is becoming not so rare anymore and will start affecting many more pups as time goes on, usually because of lack of knowledge as in my case.

The cost for the test is only $67.00 and you get results back via e-mail within 2 weeks. You basically swab the dogs mouth with provided swabs and put them in the mail. Very easy!!

I just wish I would have known this information before we breed my male. It would have saved my family a lot of pain and angony. My hope with this post is to at least make one more person aware of this which, will hopefully snowball and save a lot of pain and angony for many.

This is the link to the CNM Project:


Sorry teeroy-

I have not heard of this disease.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Hopefully breeders will take the time and effort to pre-screeen any potential breeding dogs to help the spread of this disease.

Best of luck to you and your pup Bullett.
