Lake Effect Predictions?


New member
Hello John!

I've followed your website for years! I know trying to predict the lake effect forecast is almost impossible this early in the season. Given the prevailing patterns that have been laid before us. Do you think there is a good chance to see a lake effect season as we saw last year? Here in Northwest Indiana we had over 85 inches of total snowfall. As you may know South Bend almost broke the state record of 33 inches in one 24 hour period. They had 32.1 inches of snowfall in one 24 hour period. Now I know it's a lot to ask John but, I have faith in that you will give me your unbiased opinion!

Thank You,


Staff member
Sorry Tyler.

One of my rules is no personal forecasts in the Ask John.

You can check out my seasonal outlook to see my feelings on things at this point.
