Lake of the Woods MN/Beltrami Island State Forest 2-20-16

I guess it was pretty warm last weekend to the south and looks like winter is kinda wrapping up down there. It got warm here up north too, but not enough to call the end of winter yet. Rode 150+ miles Saturday in some surprisingly good to excellent trail conditions. Snow was wet and heavy thanks to the warmth and a mix of rain/snow Friday night, but by Saturday night the snow firmed up. I think given the amount of snow on the ground here, the only reason the trails held up like they did through the warm weather was low sled traffic on the trails. If we had the sled traffic of the Tower or Ash River areas, the trails would have been gotten washed out to bare dirt at every corner.

It snowed about an inch here last night and is snowing as I type so there should be enough loose snow for the hyfax and heat exchangers.

If anyone is ever in the Beltrami Island state forest, you should look up the Penturen Church. Its a restored pioneer church hidden in the pines in the middle of nowhere. The forest roads are not plowed near it so the only way to get to it practically in the winter is by snowmobile. There are all kinds of old/abandoned settlements in the area, travel through the area and all of a sudden you will see old cemeteries scattered all over.

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Well-known member
Looks good Crossfire, I hope to make it up there in a couple weeks. Maybe we can get a big dump of snow before then.