Lake Superior Ice


New member
I was just wondering how much of an effect all the ice out on Lake Superior is having on us getting somne Big snow in the western UP. I mainly ride in the Silver City/White Pine area and we haven't gotten any big dumps for awhile. What gives? When will it change? Is it normal for the eastern UP to get more snow this time of the year because that end of the lake stays open more? Can you get big LES when the lake has this much ice?
Thanks in advance.



The western 1/2 of the lake is about 80% ice covered and that is significantly reducing the LES formation. However, it has not shut it down completely as was evidenced by the LES that fell in the western UP over the weekend.

The outlook for the ice to melt and return the western UP into a setup where big LES dumps will occur is slim. In fact, it should be something you do not wish for because the same weather conditions that would melt the ice will also melt the snow over land.

The silver lining is that as we head through March, our historical reliance on LES for snow drops off. March is not a big LES month, yet we still do pretty good for snow. This is because the storm track starts to work back north and impacts us more directly with the spring storms and the snow they have on their north side.

So I guess in a nutshell I would not count on a lot of LES for the rest of this season, but some. Plus winter weather (including snows and the potential for heavy snow) is not over for the season yet either.
