Lake Superior LES in SE Wisconsin??


Active member
Good morning John, I read this post from the National weather service that the snow showers we had in Southern Wi last night was actually LES from Lake Superior? This is a first for me. Ever seen this before?

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<div class="fb-post" data-href="" data-width="466"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><a href="">Post</a> by <a href="">US National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan Wisconsin</a>.</div></div>


Staff member
Wow, that is really something. I do not ever remember a time when bands of LES made it that far south. I remember driving home one Christmas when I encountered lake effect flurries in Wausau and Merrill and then accumulating LES from Rhinelander north. To get it into the MKE area is really something! The funny thing is, the UP snow belts did not get much snow at all from that activity!
