L’anse to Big Bay


Well-known member
How many miles is it by trail from L’ans to Big Bay? Is there any stops along the way?

No stops and maybe 40-50 miles give or take. I’m sure there are people on here who know to the mile. This is a nice trail and you should consider making that run.


Active member
We ran that trail last Friday and it was awesome. Even better was Big Bay to about Champion on #5. Do it!
agree with Euphoric, less is better. yes Mt. Avron is a good pit stop and worth the stop. as most know, no gas or food along the way but great food in BB. wish i was there.


Active member
We stayed at the Thunder Bay Inn last Friday night. Road up from Sidnaw with perfect trails. Road back to Sidnaw on Saturday through Michigamee. Perfect trails again. The reroute by Craig lake was nice. Got to see the Yurt for the first time on a nice 2 mile spur from the main trail. If you haven't done this loop or stayed in Big Bay, you are missing one of the most remote and beautiful rides in the UP imo.


We stayed at the Thunder Bay Inn last Friday night. Road up from Sidnaw with perfect trails. Road back to Sidnaw on Saturday through Michigamee. Perfect trails again. The reroute by Craig lake was nice. Got to see the Yurt for the first time on a nice 2 mile spur from the main trail. If you haven't done this loop or stayed in Big Bay, you are missing one of the most remote and beautiful rides in the UP imo.

Is this route do-able in lower snow years? Reason I ask is because we always stay near Gogebic and then backpack it to Copper Harbor for a night. Its planned in the fall and reservations are made then. Would love to this run to Big Bay but worried about snow levels. Any help is much appreciated!


Well-known member
Is this route do-able in lower snow years? Reason I ask is because we always stay near Gogebic and then backpack it to Copper Harbor for a night. Its planned in the fall and reservations are made then. Would love to this run to Big Bay but worried about snow levels. Any help is much appreciated!

Funny you ask that because I would check before attempting that run as there has been years when we left Gogebic which had plenty of snow and get to L'Anse and the snow was very sparse they are kind of out of the lake effect snow machines reach at times, but when its good and Im sorry I don't have trail numbers, Gogebic to L'Anse to Big Bay down through Michigamme down and back across 8 to Gogebic again a very nice loop haven't done it in years but have been through there when snow is less than desirable and times when it is real good, so worth checking yes.


Well-known member
Is this route do-able in lower snow years? Reason I ask is because we always stay near Gogebic and then backpack it to Copper Harbor for a night. Its planned in the fall and reservations are made then. Would love to this run to Big Bay but worried about snow levels. Any help is much appreciated!

I make this run literally every year. The only location the snow can get a little thin is in L'Anse, however this is usually limited to in town. Trail 14 to Big Bay is almost always good just east of L'Anse. Every once in a while in a low snow year it can also get a little thin on Trail 8 in Michigamme, but again is limited to a short section. I'm sure others can and will chime in and have different opinions, but I will stand by my report. I usually don't ride early or late season so this may have impact on my opinion. L'Anse is one of our normal destinations each and every year and haven't missed a year in probably 6 or 7 years. We ride from Florence, to Iron River, north to Sidnaw and on to L'Anse. Stop at the hilltop restaurant to rest and eat then head back down to Sidnaw, gas up, down the 107 to 2 and head east to Florence. I honestly can't remember having low snow in L'anse for the last several years. Again, early season or late season when the sun gets stronger may lead to low snow in L'Anse. I don't doubt this. There are times we trailer to the gas station in Sidnaw and head north thru L'Anse and take 14 to Big Bay. Have lunch/dinner at the Thunder Bay iNN then take 5 south to Koski Corner, Gas up and then 8 west to Sidnaw. This would take us on trail 8 thru Michigamme.

if you time this right this area is an outstanding ride considering the lower traffic compared to the western UP from Gogebic north. Trails are usually well groomed and low traffic. What's not to like?

I will be riding these same trails next week and can't wait. Heading up Tomorrow.


Active member
I used to ride this area quite a bit years ago, all through from Marquette to big Bay, west on 14 south on 5 to Republic, then 32 back up to Gwinn, staying at the red fox inn which is no longer. does anybody remember the trailer they had I think it was at the intersection of 5 and 14 that a local snowmobile club had set up, you could stop for hot chocolate and hotdogs or whatever, 14 was always a nice run because it had a Boulevard where you were split up from each side, I wonder if it’s the same now


Well-known member
I used to ride this area quite a bit years ago, all through from Marquette to big Bay, west on 14 south on 5 to Republic, then 32 back up to Gwinn, staying at the red fox inn which is no longer. does anybody remember the trailer they had I think it was at the intersection of 5 and 14 that a local snowmobile club had set up, you could stop for hot chocolate and hotdogs or whatever, 14 was always a nice run because it had a Boulevard where you were split up from each side, I wonder if it’s the same now

Yes I remember the trailer. I want to say it's been about 15 years since I've seen it. The trail split into two parts hasn't been like that since about the same time the trailer went away. I never stopped at the trailer, but saw it a few times. The split trail was sweet. Kinda felt like being on a bob sled at times the banks were so high. There has been some re-routes in that area over the years and we no longer have the split trail, but it's still a great place to ride. Lots of scenery, no towns, low traffic, almost always good snow. Just a good area

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Awesome stuff guys...I’m gonna save this one as a possible option!

Years ago you put together some routes for me to take in the western U.P.. I never forgot that. I would be glad to return the favor with routes in this area if you are interested.


Years ago you put together some routes for me to take in the western U.P.. I never forgot that. I would be glad to return the favor with routes in this area if you are interested.

Love it! Pay it forward a bit and it always comes back around!

My group is in western UP starting Thursday night and doing the CH overnight run but we will talk about this option too for next year. I always hate making multiple reservations but it’s something we may think about and cancel one well in advance. I’ve got guys that fly in from Ohio so we know the weekend and cross our fingers for plenty of snow!

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Active member
I’ve been thinking about this thread for a while and I have another story about this area, we were coming down from big Bay down 14 south on 5 and decided to stop for a break at the intersection of 5 and 8, I was looking around and found this huge 4 foot tall stuffed panda bear, a black and white panda bear of all things in the middle of nowhere, well me and my buddies decided to tie the thing on the back of me like a passenger and drove around for a while with this huge stuffed panda bear tied behind me, the laughs and reactions were priceless ...LOL