Left pilot light on stove on for 6 hours by accident.


Active member
I left one of the pilot lights on apparently today for 6 hours between noon and 6pm. The flame was on when i arrived back at house at 6pm.

I turned it off 30 minutes ago and opened a door and window in house.
My carbon monoxide detector detects no carbon monoxide. Am I ok??


Active member
I think pilot lights are intended to remain on all the time or for extended periods of time. Old time gas water heaters the pilot light stayed on all the time until the main gas turned on to heat the water. Stove flame stayed lit until gas for burner or oven could be lit from it. Gas fireplace pilot light on, flip the switch to put main gas on.

Should be fine. You say left pilot light on? That is how it is designed I think. If the pilot light were out and gas was coming out it could be a concern after 6 hours. But lit should not be a problem. Pretend you were cooking soup for six hours.

Now if the burner or stove is left on and raw unlit gas is dumping out that is a different thing and cause for great concern.


Active member
Pilot light was on the whole time apparently. I cant believe I didnt notice it at lunch and then at 3pm before heading out on sled. I made some oatmeal.