legend repair ideas


New member
I have two 2002 legend 600's, both who went in for check up/tune up pre season. one of them has an issue with the starter as I will push the button two or three times before it starts. The sled I am concerned about however, is the second one, which was running great, and was shut off at the gas stop. It would not start again. tried taking off the dess/kill switch cord, exchanging it for the other sleds cord, turning the kill switch off and on, nothing seemed to work. Anyone have any issues like this? Is it possible to take off the dess if that turns out to be the problem. Just put money in both of them and love them, so don't want to scrap them now.


It should start even without the dess switch. My brother has a 2003 rev that would not start at the gas station. He spent about 6 hours at Burger King waiting until we made it back to the hotel and an hour truck ride to get him. It turned out to be corrosion on the starter fuse. It did not even have any spark. He spent the rest of the weekend in the hotel room. When we got home it took about 5 minutes to find the problem.
You need to replace the relay. They go bad. I had a 2003 renegade and had to replace the relay twice. You can use a Napa relay if you can cross reference it. Check dootalk for detail. On mine, the relay was right under the hood right above the DPM module.