Little Girl


Recent news article indicated La Nina forming over the Pacific, which means surface temps are cooler and could mean colder and snow for us, according to the article. Any thoughts on it (chance of it happening and chance of it's impact to us)?

There is so much you can't believe on the news anymore...


Active member
Recent news article indicated La Nina forming over the Pacific, which means surface temps are cooler and could mean colder and snow for us, according to the article. Any thoughts on it (chance of it happening and chance of it's impact to us)?

There is so much you can't believe on the news anymore...

Understatement of the year


Staff member
It is true there is a La Nina going on. As to it's impact on the Midwest winter, there is no strong correlation for the region as a whole. However, there is a pretty good correlation to temps being colder than average in the Dakotas and about the northwest 1/2 of MN. At times, that cold anomaly can expand into areas like the rest of MN, the northern 1/2 of WI and most of the UP. One can also extrapolate that the colder temps would lead to more of the precip falling as the frozen variety than the liquid variety in those areas.

Strangely enough a weak La Nina is better for these conditions to occur than a strong one. Current ideas are that this event will be a moderate one, meaning not weak, but not strong.
