Lodging in Houghton December 31st for 6 People

Looking for lodging for 3 adults and 3 kids for Saturday night in or near Houghton? Have 3 younger riders and coming from Copper Harbor that AM.
Thanks, Tom


Active member
I like drawing out the first and last a's. Makes it sound good;)
Drawing out the first and last a's makes it sound good?

Double vowels have exactly that effect in Finnish (plus the major accent is always on the first syllable and double consonants are always in separate syllables, thus they are pronounced with a distinct though very short break between). All of which is music to my ears ("Se musiikkia korvilleni!"). Yes! :encouragement:

[Readers of this thread: This was "Finnish 101": Your first Finnish language lesson. ("Sinun ensimmäinen Suomalainen kielen oppitunti.") :devilish:]