

Does anyone have any suggestions on family cabins for rent in the Washara or surrounding counties area for snowmobiling?
Folks live in Waushara County and I would say the best place to look is Wautoma. Here is a website I found that gives you some rental properties in Central WI. Just click on the town you are looking for.


Pretty pricey though. Obvisously the next best thing is a hotel or motel.
You will probably not find any rental cabins anywhere else. Other places to maybe look would be Rome, WI which is in Adams County or some where on the outskirts of Waupaca, WI which is in Waupaca County. Rode on the trails in those counties before and there were well taken care of.
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You might want to consider Waupaca. It's a little further for you to drive but has several advantages. Namely, the Best Western has trail access from their parking lot, plenty of parking and a gas station next door. There are at least 3 hotels in that area but the Best Western has the best access to the trail system. Here's the link
Waupaca has an extensive system that matches up well with surrounding counties. I'm not as familiar with Waushara. They're very popular during the summer months for golf courses, boating, and summer homes.

It might be a challenge to find a family size cabin for rent during the winter months but good luck! You never know until you start to look for availabilities.
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Thanks for the suggestion guys. We are looking for something in central state instead of driving all the way up to the Hurley area again.
I've got a nice house just outside Stevens Point (13 miles) and about the same from Waupaca (16 miles) that is 3 miles by fields from the trail system. You can ride from the house to the trails. Its 2 miles north of Nelsonville, WI if you wanted to mapquest the location.




This is probably the best place you can find out there. I know where this area is because I live in Stevens Point. If you would need something 2 big towns are close by and Stevens Point is a University Town (Decent Night life).
Good place to ride with lots of fields, woods, and some hilly terrain. I would definitely put it at the top of your list.