Log Home


New member
John... Some years ago you had talked about the next phase of construction being a log home on your property. Having 2 girls now 11 and 8 I realize just how little I got done for about 6 years because they are more than full time jobs. Now with your health and Gracie (way cute by the way) do you still plan on building another home on your property?


Staff member
Yep, still in the works.

Probably a few years down the road, but most definitely still planning on it. The only changes are I plan to have it built to the point where it is shelled in and then take over from there. Just too much work to try and build the walls and roofing myself in one season, which is what you really have to do to avoid some pretty serious issues.




I would seriously think twice about building a log home, I understand they are beautiful because I built one. The maintance is a time killer. I am to the point where I am hiring things done but its expensive........I have a family and enjoy doing other things then caulking/staining, look into the new log siding that is a cement board that looks just like logs. Just my 2 cents.

Thanks Bill D


Staff member
Thanks for the heads up Bill.

I have done a lot of research on things and still plan to go ahead. It is going to be done in the Scandinavian Full-Scribe building method, so there will be no chinking to deal with. Plus I plan to use the Sikkens product. I have a friend whose house was done with one of their older products around 15 years ago and is still holding up great. Many paints do not hold up that well.

So it is going to be more work than a traditional stick frame house, but I am also one that enjoys working on things.



John, once you complete your log home what are your plans for your current home? Will that become a rental property or just a guest house or do you have bigger ideas such as "John Dee's U.P. backcountry adventures"


New member
John has said in the past that he will use it as a guest house. Now, my idea would be to use it as the house to escape in. When the women in my life (5 of them including the dogs) start driving me nuts I go to the shop with my recliner, satellite tv and fridge and build something. All I need is a bathroom out there.


Staff member
The current home will become a guest house and yes, I am sure there will be a construction album covering the log home.



Well-known member
Worked on a house in northern WI where the guy that did the railings and stairs was a scandinavian, full scribe log home builder, this craftman was amazing with a chain saw and 4 1/2 " grinder, you couldn't fit a piece of paper between his scribes....


New member
I agree with the Sikkens product. Used it on our cabin, looks and holds up very well.

The product we used takes 3 coats when wood is unfinished, than 1 coat after that every 3 to 5 years. We went 5 yrs. before we had to do it again and it still looks great.