Long snow drought

  • Thread starter Deleted member 10829
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Deleted member 10829


You've been up there for over a decade now, do ever remember such a snow drought in the UP as the past 6 weeks or so? I feel terrible for the businesses up there, it's had to be a tough year for them. I usually ride at least 3 times a year up there and only made it once this year.



Staff member
Unfortunately yes, just last year. The details may not be exactly the same, but winter fell flat on it's face in early Feb last winter and stayed there the rest of the season. Just like this winter.

As a Cubs fan would say, there is always next year!



Active member
As long as next year is not like the past two years!!

Didn't you mention last year that there was zero snowfall in the month of March?

I really feel sorry for the business owners up there that depend on us to survive. I can pout all I want about not being able to ride but I'll be O.K. Two years of this has to be killing them!



New member
As long as next year is not like the past two years!!

Didn't you mention last year that there was zero snowfall in the month of March?

I really feel sorry for the business owners up there that depend on us to survive. I can pout all I want about not being able to ride but I'll be O.K. Two years of this has to be killing them!


I don't feel sorry for the businesses up there. Just this last weekend we were up and I heard more than one establishment mumbling under their breathe to fellow workers that they'll be glad the season is almost over.
I understand there are many a holes that snowmobile and think their s h i t don't stink, but dealing with that is part of being in business and/or working in that field. So for them, guess I don't care. For those that appreciate the business, I appreciate the hospitality and hope for your continued success.


Active member
As a struggling business owner who knows several business owners in ther Western UP, I was referring to them. Those that put everything they have into their business and, no doubt, are struggling. "Workers" are workers. They will complain during the season about dealing with idiots and everything else for that matter, then they will complain in the off season that they aren't making any money.

So put yourself in the OWNERS shoes and rethink your post please.



New member
As a struggling business owner who knows several business owners in ther Western UP, I was referring to them. Those that put everything they have into their business and, no doubt, are struggling. "Workers" are workers. They will complain during the season about dealing with idiots and everything else for that matter, then they will complain in the off season that they aren't making any money.

So put yourself in the OWNERS shoes and rethink your post please.


X'2 I hate to even imagine these last two winters for these owners. I think the east side even got socked harder this winter.

Deleted member 10829

Yeah, now that I think about it, last year was bad too, it just doesn't seem as bad as this year to me. Probably because this is VERY fresh in my mind. Unfortunately, things happen in 3's, which means 1 more year of this. Let's hope not!!!!


New member
Lets also include the northern part of the lower part of Michigan such as Irons, Harbor Springs, Indian river and much in between. I rode once with snow monkey this winter in Irons and that was it. Rode not one bit in eastern Up either. All trips were out west. Well, there is always next year.


Active member
Well I would have to say, John pretty much nailed it back in October. Other than the UP getting skunked, Northern Minnesota got nailed, the northern Rockies got nailed and the southern Rockies got skunked. So pretty much the only place he didn't get right was his own back yard! We'll give ya a mulligan on that one John-lol ;)


I ride out of Wakefield (Western UP and Northern Wisconsin) this year was much worse because my last ride was 2/12/11. The next weekend Presidents weekend was basically shot in my area. The prior year I was able to ride my new sled I bought in early March for a few days. My last day of riding was a thursday probably during the first week of march. I was able to ride anywhere is the Western UP. and did, up to Houghton, trail 109 etc.

I have a new sled and two older ones ride mostly with my wife, sleds have 13,250 and 9800 miles. They run great and got so little use this year no reason to get a new sled.

Hey Mark , actually this is the 3rd one already. The last 2 years we rode the 1st weekend of March and they were done . 2 years ago was 65 on a Fri. and Sat we went home. Last year we rode the whole weekend and by Tues. they were done. So next year we will be good to go , lol

Deleted member 10829


Let's go with that as we sure don't need another year like this. It's time for a good year from December 1st to March 31st or beyond!

sounds good Mark, this is getting old real fast huh? Im so glad i used 9 days of vacation when it was good in Jan. I felt bad doing it but now I can justify it.

Deleted member 10829

Yeah, didn't I read in another post where you put on 5,000 miles this year? That's a pretty good year!


New member
Can you believe the Western UP did not see one good system snow this year? A good amount of lake effect, a couple clipper's and light snows from the South but not one dumper from a low system storm. Next year has to be better....As far business goes sure it's part of the territory when your in business for yourself as far as taking the good with the bad. I have lost several hundred to no snow either. We play a local place in Hurley when needed....No snow, no snowmobilers..no snowmobilers... empty bar, no need for live music.