Looking at houses &a land in western UP looking for info


I'm looking for small house in western UP area Mass City-bergland-etc. I will have my sleds and side x sides and quads stored at the house if I find one. So how bad is crime? Do I have to worry about my valuables when we are away from the house? Anything else I should know before I invest in a small vacation house in this area? I also have 2 younger girls that love to go on the sxs with me and be outside. Any advise would be appreciated


Well-known member
I'm not in the U.P. but in N. WI I have had little to worry about crime wise at the upnorth home in 16 years and counting. My nearby neighbor (local) is a great guy.

Ohio Cat

I'm looking for small house in western UP area Mass City-bergland-etc. I will have my sleds and side x sides and quads stored at the house if I find one. So how bad is crime? Do I have to worry about my valuables when we are away from the house? Anything else I should know before I invest in a small vacation house in this area? I also have 2 younger girls that love to go on the sxs with me and be outside. Any advise would be appreciated

We have a camp in Mass (close to Pat's, Rousseau, Pit Stop and all of the major trail intersections).

We had someone break in a few years ago and it looks like they slept there for a few days. Didn't take anything but did do some damage to the frame on the back door. The neighbors have been very helpful whenever we needed anything.

As far as shopping for real estate in the Western UP goes I really like this site: upmls.com

Good luck!
Ran across this the other day on Craigslist....not sure how much you are looking for but it is MLS#1099807 just outside of Bergland Looks SHARP with lots of space for toys !!


New member
lived in the UP my whole life and the only time I have locked my door is when I moved in to an apartment that was formerly rented to students and kept having people show up drunk on the weekend, looking for the old tenants.


Well-known member
We have a cabin in Hayward, which is busy in the summer but theres basically no one on our lake from October to May, minus a few weeks in the winter. We have been broken into ONCE over the last 70 years and yes it would be very easy to do so. I almost under the feeling of just leaving the door unlocked, if someone wants to get in at least we wouldn't have to replace a door and jam. We don't keep much at the cabin in the off months that would be easy to steal...aka TV, jewelry, electonics and stuff like that. But, theres three boats, four wheelers, rafts and stuff. We do take steps to ensure that if they want the big stuff they are going to have to work really hard to get those!


Well-known member
Crime is pretty much nonexistent in the Greenland area. I know a gentleman selling nice small home and he just put a new metal garage up. Very nice little yard. Taxes are cheap in Greenland and you're right in the heart of recreation. If you want his phone number call me at the shop which is 906-883-3536 and I'll give it to you. Kip


I've been away for a few days thanks everyone for your replies! We are looking in western UP and extreme N WI Lando area. Basically nothing fancy for now I'm going to build in about 10 years up there so just need a small vacation home for now. Thanks kip I will give you a call at your shop this week sometime. -Jeremy


Active member
If you opt for a camp located in town you can get things like natural gas, city water, sewer and smoking fast cable. Plus its easier to find someone to plow and mow if you don't want or have time for more chores.