Looking & Eating our Way Across the Keweenaw


New member
We'll be staying in Copper Harbor next Monday and Tuesday. I want to see the places I've read about on this site for so many years. In addition to sights, any good suggestions for dinner places and lunch on Tuesday?


Active member
Are you asking recommendations for sites to visit in addition to places to eat? Just within the Copper Harbor area or maybe Keweenaw County in general? If asking for sites to visit how much hiking do you want to do?


New member
The Keweenaw in general. No hard hiking - my wife walks the floors of Meijer all day. We plan on visiting Eagle Harbor, Jam Pot / Jacobs Falls, Lac LaBelle, etc...


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Places to eat:
Eagle Harbor Inn, Bear Belly, White House, Zik's, Michigan House

Brockway Mountain Drive is a must, otherwise the next best "mountains" are Mount Baldy, Bare Bluff, and Mount Houghton, however all are 2-6 mile round trips hiking. Depending on what you are driving you would be able to drive relatively close to a couple of the outlooks on the Cliff Range.

Aside from Jacobs Falls, a couple other easily accessible falls are Manganese Falls, Eagle River Falls, Haven Falls, and Silver River Falls. Fenner's Falls is also less than 0.1 miles from the road, but involves hiking down a fairly steep decline to get to it.

If its beach weather, Great Sand Bay and Bete Gris are very nice sand beaches, and in the case of Bete Gris some nice views of the topography if a clear day. Otherwise, Hunter's Point is a neat little beach with about a mile of hiking trails with views of both Lake Superior and the town on the other side of the harbor.

Estivant Pines is 2-3 miles of fairly flat hiking that provides a very neat experience of what much of the Keweenaw looked like pre-European settlement (and corresponding logging).

If interested in the history of the Copper Country, I highly recommend the Calumet Visitor Center. Three floors of very well put together, modern, and informative displays, which you can visit for free! The Delaware Mine is also nice, I really appreciate how authentic they try to make it.

Hope you both have a great time!
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Active member
Everything Packerlandrider said is great. Most of those places are in Copper Harbor or close, if you drive south I'd pick Calumet House over the White House and don't forget about all the places you'll go by on the way up and back. Quick stop at the Bug Bar, maybe Pizza at the Ambassador, and breakfast at Sumoi, or at least some pastries, not a pasty, but of course you could get those at Krupps.


New member
I told my wife that we're taking the truck. No more hoping for enough ground clearance and traction while on vacation. Keep up the great suggestions.


Well-known member
We ate at The Hut Inn last night. One of the best burgers I have ever had.

Haven Falls, Silver Falls and Jacobs Falls all were very nice. Copper Harbor was hopping busy. The road over Brockway is tore up so they can repave it. Was told it was really rough, so we skipped it. The beaches at Eagle Harbor and Eagle River both had lots of people, and were very scenic (if you know what I mean, wink, wink).