Looking for a nice area to bring the family up North Dec 26-Jan 1st


Looking for a nice Lodge in Michigan to bring a family. Bringing our Snowmobiles for a few hour day trips but also an area with other things to do for the kids. Kids can't ride all day get cold etc. Ski Resort or any other family friendly areas? Just something to keep everyone busy. Any ideas?



Well-known member
We went to White Pine Konteka or the Best Western in Silver City if you want a pool during that time of year with kids. You can downhill ski at Porkies kids ski free or ride lift up & take 15K Xcounty trail back down. Porkies do not make snow has to be the real stuff on hill to open. White Pine & Silver City always had snow between Xmas & New Year & can ride out the door. Konteka also has bowling alley, whirlpool, good food but no pool. If downhill skiing is priority then Ironwood would be best so many major ski hills within 20 miles but very busy palce that time of year. White Pine /Silver City remote area no fast food for kids Ironwood anything you want there.


Active member
Check out the Traverse City or Petosky areas. Houghton Lake is another good one during "tip up town". Just don't ride at night.


New member
Traverse City would be good as Dave stated. Kids would get way bored if you hauled them much farther than that coming from Indianapolis. Cadillac area would be a bit closer with Caberfae ski resort and trails a plenty. Find a place with a pool such as McGuires in Cadillac.