Looking for info on riding in the Wi. Dells area


New member
Going to be at Christmas Mountain between Xmas and New Years with family and friends. Wondering if its worth dragging the trailer along and trying to slip away for a day of riding? Does anyone know how close the trails are to Christmas Mountain resort? Also what is the trail system like in the area? Any info is appreciated. Thanks.


Active member
Adams county has a pretty good trail system. Well worth tug'n the sled up if they have snow that time of year...


One thing you'll have to watch is what side of the river you'll be on. As far as I know and I may be worng but the only river crossing is the bridge right through town. I lucked out as it was snowing pretty good when I went through but if it hasnt snowed in awhile...well good luck and bring a set of wheels. Otherwise, I think Adams trails are good and they are always open even in marginal conditions. So if you're really hungry for a ride you can count on them even if you have to clean mud of your sled. I've never been too far south of the Dells so I cant help you there but I bet there are some beautiful trails. Take your sled you wont regret it.


New member
Juneau, Monroe and Sauk are all nice, however there is no real way in/out of the dells by sled with out ruining it, but Xmas Mtn is not in the heart of the dells so you may have a way right from the resort. Haven't been to Xmas Mtn in years since have house on CRL, but I remember we trailered from xmas mtn to ride, that was years ago so trails may go right from now.