Looking for snowmobile gear - kids size 5 or 6


Well-known member
Addy has nearly outgrown her bibs and snowmobile coat so the search is on for new/used in a size 5 or potentially 6 KIDS.
While she'd love girl colors it's not a must have at this point!

If you or someone you know has some for sale, please let us know!

Mrs Russholio


Well-known member
Checking with Slickwilly08 to see if he located anything? Anyone else have bibs in about a size 6?



New member
hi,got a pair of bibs they are polaris all black great condition guessing their size 8 not for sure #847-395-7524


Well-known member
I have been checking eBay and Craigslist for a few weeks now, Scott! Size 8's might be too big on her, utinans, but I'll give you a call today and we can do a bit of comparison on the size. She's not quite 4 years old!



Well-known member
utinans - I'm definitely interested in the bibs - it's been hectic. Does the amount you quoted me include shipping and if not, how much would shipping be to 48030. Thanks!!
we have a Colombia outlet in the Milwaukee area, bought our daughter a set of Ski bibs $78 reduced to $30 pink and nice she loved the pink pattern plus water proof. I also think they will be passed on to her younger sister when done.


New member
hi,yes this time is always hectic isnt it, so i hope youre having a happy holiday.we are here is a beautiful white christmas and nice and cold.i can go down to post office after christmas on thursday i can check on how much to ship it out to you i would think should probably be around 10 bucks.will see and then i can let you know .i guess i could give you a deal since this is john dee.if you want me to ship it out on thursday right away you should maybe give me a call so i can get all your address and info thanks talk to later


New member
russholio,sent you a private message did ya get it,just sent bibs out you should receive them in 2-3 days.thanks again, utinans