Don't take the other replys in the wrong way, this topic has come up many times in the past. The off trail riders have there secret spots that they ride in, it takes lots of research to find places that are not private property that are legal to ride. Because they have put in many hours of research to find there spots they want to keep them a secret, because once to many people find out about them everyone will end up riding there and you no longer will have nice powder to ride but compact "trails" from all the use. Years ago some people started riding the power lines you could find un tracked powder and hours of fun, over the years more and more people starting riding them and now the power lines are off limits. They cross private property and when a couple of people rode them it was not an issue but over time they became a highway and then it was a problem. More and more land is being sold off and that makes it more of an issue, not as many places to ride makes the secret spots that much more special. So the only real way to find off trail riding spots without hours of work looking at maps and plat books etc is to hire a guide to take your group out.