Lookout in the Turns


New member
With all of this ice base that has been created due to the melt down and rain, I believe that incidents of people sliding across turns (specifically right hand turns) into the other sleds lane will increase dramatically. It is always an issue but we will need to be even more vigilant through the remainder of this year throughout the midwest.


Check the condition of your carbide wearbars people.

Funny (well, not really) how so many people never assume there just might be someone coming around a curve from the other direction.


Well-known member
I have the same concerns if someone unloads on these Vilas trails & tries ripping it we will be prying him/her off 1st tree for sure. No matter how it looks nothing but ice & frozen snirt under trace snow.Please be careful very dangerous out there right now until we get a good snow to groom.