So, not a good week for technology around here.
Wed, my business computer took a dump, took me over 6 hrs to get it booted up. Thank goodness there is very little business this time of year. Then, Sprint decided to force out the new Android system to my smartphone and turned it into a brick. Yesterday, the laptop decided to join the protest and start acting up.
As Rodney Dangerfield said "I'm afraid to go to the bathroom!"
As of now, the biz pc is up and going, and I am now Vista free!!! Next the smartphone, hopefully will be done in time for early bar call!
Wed, my business computer took a dump, took me over 6 hrs to get it booted up. Thank goodness there is very little business this time of year. Then, Sprint decided to force out the new Android system to my smartphone and turned it into a brick. Yesterday, the laptop decided to join the protest and start acting up.
As Rodney Dangerfield said "I'm afraid to go to the bathroom!"
As of now, the biz pc is up and going, and I am now Vista free!!! Next the smartphone, hopefully will be done in time for early bar call!