Lost a few things on trail 13 near Mass City this weekend.....


New member
I left the tunnel bag on my son's sled unzipped at the gas station in Mass City, headed out on 3 -12- 13, stopped to get something to drink out on 13 and the bag was empty. ( some rough trails on 13) lost a first aid kit... some slim jims ( you can eat those if you found them :) but Im really mad at myself for losing a $80 new pair of KLim black gloves. If you happen to have found the gloves I sure would be happy to get them back. Thanks


New member
On Saturday we found a single black Klim glove on the trail near the adventure mountain ski hill. My husband propped it on the trail marker sign. It was near the moto-cross moguls and had
already been run over. Only saw one tho...hope you find the missing gloves!