Lost registration sticker in Mich!


New member
Just went through this and thought I would share. In Michigan if you lose your sticker you need to take in your registration or sticker number and your identification to the secretary of state and they charge you $5.00 for a lost sticker.


New member
Probably depending upon how busy a Sec. State office you go to, if you give them your drivers license number they can pull up ALL of your equipment and provide you with a replacement of ANY of the equipment you have lost the registration.

I don't think I would want to do that in a busy office though....smaller ones in low population areas operate differently. I have gone to both types of offices.


yup, had this happen this yr. Mine was stolen off of my sled while it was sitting. I had to go get the new one and had to pay up.



New member
I had my sticker stolen this year also when we were staying in Mohawk.Somebody tried breaking into the trailer in the parking lot also. I hate thieves! Not trying to change subject but just saying.
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New member
My brother lost one of his and one of mine was half off. I took them to the
Sec. State office and they said Michigan had a run of bad stickers and gave me replacement stickers FREE!!!!!!!! I was happy and surprised.