Love being 1st


Well-known member
You obviously love showing us even more.....LOL....If I was making tracks in that, last thing I'd be thinkin about is stopping to take a must be one a them walking around on socmedia to validate everything you do in life....LOL.
At least you got some snow. good for you.


Active member
Looks good where is that?

North of Duluth, Finland

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You obviously love showing us even more.....LOL....If I was making tracks in that, last thing I'd be thinkin about is stopping to take a must be one a them walking around on socmedia to validate everything you do in life....LOL.
At least you got some snow. good for you.

Actually took the pics for my photo album. Soundslike you probably don't want too see the vids. And as far as social media goes this is all of it, before I got on here a year ago. I've never partaken in any discussion groups, blogs, or any of that stuff face book none of it. In fact if my boss didn't make me get a smartphone I most likely wouldn't be on here either. On the PC I would only look at the snow cover maps


New member
You obviously love showing us even more.....LOL....If I was making tracks in that, last thing I'd be thinkin about is stopping to take a must be one a them walking around on socmedia to validate everything you do in life....LOL.
At least you got some snow. good for you.

whats with that comment? what the **** is wrong with posting a couple god thats awful touchy


Active member
Ahhhh...... I can breath the first Cold air too.

When I venture out, the first thing I think of is taking a pic. Winter, Summer.. it dont matter. I'm not in a hurry. And I have a lifetime of slides and Photos For myself. But it's fun to share pictures InZotto.


Well-known member
Very nice! It is such awesome country up there and even better with snow. I'm surprised you beat Elf to it. This is his home turf (or snow).

With scenes like this I'd definitely be stopping to take photos. Thanks for posting.


Well-known member
sure they're nice pics, but sooo insensitive to us that only see 40's in our 10 day.....what's next? a pic of you grinning from ear to ear?....LOL!