Low Pressure System Record


New member

Here in northwest Ohio, the local weather mentioned the low pressure associated with the recent storm is the lowest it has been in 25 years. Do the pressure numbers you see indicate this. I realize other areas may have different pressures and may have seen lower, but is this one of those record setting type storms. The latest map on intellicast I saw showed the low centered over lake michigan near Chicago at 976 mb.

Thanks for all you do for the snowmobiling community!

Bluffton, OH


Staff member
Sorry Nate.

I really have not been able to follow the central pressure of this storm. Although I think 976 was about the lowest the models were calling for, which is way down there. Not sure how long it's been since we had one this strong, but 976 is in the upper levels of a Category 2 Hurricane.



New member
Tom Skilling had on his weather page in the tribune that the pressure rivaled the pressure the day the Edmund Fitzgerald sunk.
John will a low pressure system change water levels on the great lakes from one side to other enough to cause flooding? or will the big lakes always equal on through out. The reason I am asking is I was doing some power plant work in IN. right on the state line and one of the history buffs that works that said the turbin floodout sometime in history and that it was caused by a low pressure system.
After typing it I may be laughed off the board but it sounds like it could happen


Staff member

The low pressure is not going to allow the water to rise enough to cause problems, at least not when compared to the water rise due to winds and wave action.
