I can imagine why as that stretch was my worst whiteout drive ever and I have driven in some crazy stuff (now I try to avoid that if possible). Was headed to AuTrain and was going to use the south route to avoid snow but my buddy said it was clear as he was already there. Driving thru Marquette it was clear an sunny and I made the turn on M28 and within minutes it was pitch dark and I could barely see the front end of my truck, within fifteen minutes there was 2"+ and I had no clue to where the road was except a faint shadow of the berm on my l right. I do not know how long it took to finish that stretch but I was wore out. I did learn something as I asked the resort owner why everyone had flashers on and he said that is for visibility and I now swear by that as I could not see vehicles in the west lane until they were right next to me as headlights disappeared but I did remember seeing a lot of amber.