Mammatus clouds


Staff member
Just as in the case of lightning, there is no proof-positive explanation for these clouds. Many ideas though. They are actually somewhat common. Not nearly as common as the severe thunderstorms that they usually are produced by, but I know I have seen them probably a dozen or two times in my lifetime so far.



New member
Just as in the case of lightning, there is no proof-positive explanation for these clouds. Many ideas though. They are actually somewhat common. Not nearly as common as the severe thunderstorms that they usually are produced by, but I know I have seen them probably a dozen or two times in my lifetime so far.


Olaf let me know a big storm was heading my way and then it split over lake Michigan and pretty much never made it to land on the east side of Lake Mi. then these clouds appeared just before dark. never seen them like that before. looked like cow udders aplenty. We get some amazing weather of all sorts rolling off Lake MI. Mostly strange cloud formations. More so then in the past.