Man falls in steel mill vat



When you fall in the vat of Steel your loved ones or your wife can opt to take the payment of the hunk of Steel that you represent or you can take the actual hunk of Steel and display it anyway you want or turn it into scrap metal here is one sitting outside someone's yard this is also in Hammond Indiana.... this has been there for 20 years that I know of and they're in a speck of rust on it it's stainless and some alloys of bronze and what not





tracker - you must be kidding me, right? If you fall in, your loved ones keep the steel?

not kidding....lets say your a machinist.....your fingers are worth 1000 each....your hand 3000...your arm 5000....and so the mills the widow....if he falls in the vat only....the widow gets to choose which one she would prefer....the proceeds from the pour (so which material is being poured at that time is important like tungsten....that costs a lot....choose a portion equal to that of her husband to keep....or to sell and keep the monies....some of the pours after the man falls in form in the shape of the man....and if this occurs and its a low paying vat they opt to keep their husband and the form...most are displayed out front the home kinda like a bench at the cemetery to visit the headstone and talk to em ever once in awhile....they used to be all over the place...but as prices rise and safety has increased 20 fold you see less and less of them now....this one has been displayed for as long as I can remember and I wanted to show you all a part of history that is not known by many unless it was your relative....just thought ya might like to see this one as its in the shape of the mans body and cooled it faster in that part....not exact....but close....usually its undistinguishable blob....but this has 2 legs