Wanted to give Mark a big Thank You for his help for quickly getting the voltage regulator for my MXZ! Appreciate your assistance - I managed to ride for at least 1/2 of my trip!
Mark and Marlin are THE BEST!!!! They bail us out all the time! We ride hard, crash, burn, and blow up and they are always there to fix us up and get us going again. If you haven't been there, get there!
Thanks a ton guys. We are happy we could help you out, but at the end of the day it is great customers like yourselves that keep us going. So Thank You!
Timberline is fantastic. If you ride in their area its crazy not patronize them. They just fixed my electric start today and were happy to do it. I drove them nuts with a larger windshield they just do what it takes to help people out and make customers happy.
They are great people, I heard Mark can fix anything but a broken heart! We really need to meet up on of these night at Henry's...we keep saying were going to.