Mass to Ironwood


New member
Does anyone know about what the mileage would be? I think I have it estimated at about 80?

and then also, I remember reading last year there was a detour somewhere around the Bergland area?? and you had to go way out of the way to continue heading west/south west. Do we know if that is going to be the case again this year? or am I not recalling discussion of this detour wrong lol

Any help would be great as I normally dont head south of Mass city.



New member
Its about 50 to 60 miles, take trail 3 to Rockland, trail 13 to Bergland, trail 8 to Wakefield & trail 2 to Ironwood/Hurley... With decent trail conditions during the week it takes about 1 hour or so. The weekend may take longer. Ride far ride safe, RP.
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New member
Do you guys think this ride wil be doable on 12/29 with the warm up and possible rain in the forecast? haven't been seeing much info on this stretch? Any advice would be appreciated.



New member
Do you guys think this ride wil be doable on 12/29 with the warm up and possible rain in the forecast? haven't been seeing much info on this stretch? Any advice would be appreciated.


no..will not be..not sure why you'd want to ride down there anyways unless ur going to hurly..wont be able to get even to goegibic unless big changes happen


New member
My plan was to ride towards Bruce Crossing then over to Bergland on the grade because I know the trail heading from rockland towards Bergland is normally no good due to swaps and wet spots, We dont need 10/10 trails to make it, we're from IL and used to riding in crap, just need enough Hyfax juice (snow) to keep em cool


New member
It's after Bergland that I would be most concerned with. Trail 8 from Bergland to Wakefield is notorious for being wet and very rough at the beginning of the season. Last year at this time, several sleds sunk so far on the "trail" they had to be rescued by tow truck. Trail 1 on the west side of Lake Gogebic also can be bad early in the year. So, unless you get good reports on those trails, I would probably cut down to Trail 2 either on 13 at Bergland, or backtrack a couple of miles from Bruce crossing and go down Trail 3